Online Escape Rooms

Facts & Figures
Online Escape Rooms
Welcome to the Casino Mortale Online! Casino Mortale is no ordinary online escape rooms , but an exciting cinematic experience, full off exciting moments, plot twist, and reveals … Don’t let this opportunities slip though your hands .. can you escape the room game online?
Soft jazz, secret whispering, the smell of gin-tonics and bad intentions: in the secret office of the Casino Mortale the battle is no longer limited to roulette, blackjack, poker and craps.
You are being dragged into a dangerous online escape room full of intrigue, love, crime and murder. The stakes are high, but the potential reward is higher; but you have to beat the competition.
Trailer: online escape rooms: Casino Mortale

Escape Rate

Time Presure




Online Escape Rooms
This online Escape room gives you the opportunity to try out our escape the room game online without having to leave your home.
The online Escape room will bring you and your friends an exciting and trilling escape experience. Go online escape rooms and you will find yourself in the cinematic escape experience!
We use to communicate. We advise you to use a desktop or laptop for the zoom communication and you need a phone or iPad for additional tasks.We will send extra e-mails – which are part of the experience – and we want you to share those e-mails with your team.
Best Remote Play International Award 2020
Sky High online escape rooms: Casino Mortale
With one of the most thoroughly fleshed out storyworlds of any game we have ever played, Casino Mortale wastes no time pulling wannabe criminals into the thrilling life of a heist accomplice. Days before the break-in is set to take place, a mysterious contact, known only as One-Omega-One, reaches out to deliver instructions and vital information. He is the go between for Nancy Martin, the distraught widow of the former Casino Mortale owner Freddy Martin, and the team that will help get the bearer bond back in her hands.
One-Omega-One also loops in Alice, the team’s informant who will be on site actually attempting the break-in. When the big day finally arrives, Casino Mortale’s narrative doubles down, packing multiple surprise twists and heart pounding turns. Murder, betrayal, and a severed finger or two are all on the table – how well the team plays their cards will determine if Alice survives and if Nancy gets her beloved casino back.
Along with the pre-game contacts, a local newspaper is found that not only furthers the storyworld development, but also gives a taste of the venues hilariously creative wit. All of these touches before the actual game even begins, combined with the rich narrative during the actual experience, create a truly impressive, entertaining, and engaging story.
Full review:
Bullseye Award Beste Remote Escape Room 2020
Escape room Nieuws, is onze pagina om alle media aandacht te tonen. Daar zijn we heel erg blij mee. Onderstaand zie je de verschenen publicaties en/of vermeldingen over Sky High Escape Rooms Almere en de Escape Room Casino Mortale.
Gefeliciteerd met het winnen van de “Bronze” Award in Bullseye Award – Player’s Choice voor:
Remote Escape Room categorie voor je Casino Mortale Online – spel.
We stellen uw deelname en steun aan dit evenement zeer op prijs. Bijgevoegd is uw onderscheidingsteken, dus “draag” het trots!
Je hebt daar veel toegewijde fans! Nogmaals gefeliciteerd met uw prestatie en een gelukkig nieuwjaar!
Volledige Review:
Info Online Escape Rooms:
The game master is physically present in the online escape room and will be your eyes and ears. She/he will follow your instructions to the letter.
Because she/he is using a bodycam you will see and hear what is happening in the room. Team members connect online and solve puzzles as you go along.
There is one difference – with playing in the room yourself – the game master is now playing for you and will execute the instructions exactly as you and your team will instruct. Our online escape room offers the opportunity for playing together while keeping your distance.